
Using Storage Access Framework in Epsilon Notes

There is a video in Youtube which describes how files can be synchronizes with Google Drive

Light Edit mode

Here is what Light Edit mode does:

News for 2.17

In Version 2.17, you can set an extension for exported html files in the Preferences: A short tap on the Index Panel picture will open the Home page as set in the Preferences. You will also be able to make a quick note in the Buffer

Syntax Highlight in Epsilon Notes

Syntax Highlight ☆ *(Premium)* Syntax highlight has been added in the Edit mode. This function slows down the device, therefore, if you are working with a long file, you have a few options to make Epsilon Notes respond faster: 1. Increase the pause of highlighting ( 1 to 10 000 milliseconds ) 1. Disable line numbering and statistics
Index panel in Epsilon Notes, the way it looks:
Video, showing some of the markdown functions of Epsilon Notes Commonmark / Markdown Editor for Android Dowloadable from  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ekartoyev.enotes